Bunny Café

Ellizabeth Mortem | @elliemortem@bunny.cafe

Just an internet bunny wanderer that just opened a cafe.

@pasture I used this project to set up pleroma https://memleak.eu/sn0w/pleroma-docker, It have their own database, which is not Ideal but whatever. I have to add a volume for the terms of services cuz it keeps getting reset after a restart of the container (and probably will need to add more for every html change that I want to make).

It seems that there is not much more to do then. Not gonna lie, Im having a hard time understanding pleroma documentation/config file.

I guess I will have to search some libre images for the background.

@pasture right now I want to change the appearance of the front end, the simplest the best. Also any advice on tweaking the config for performance is appreciated, right now I have the default.

If its useful this instance is running on a docker container

After reading all of this I can only say, damn, there are really cool people on the fediverse. Best decision of my life, to become a nazi

@pasture I think is time to personalize my instance, any advice? Also is an instance of peer-tube worth it (in ram/disk/net usage), or should I use a public one?

Hola amigo, Cómo estas?

You can ride a bicycle

@noyoushutthefuckupdad so glad that I live in a country that search for the important stuff

@Nudhul Always polite, never impolite

By the same argument humanity dont gave morals (that includes women). Just because you are the victim or oppressed does not make you morally superior. Stop playing the victim and pretending that only you are right in the universe

@pasture @noyoushutthefuckupdad have you read the manifesto? So true

@graf @Benzmiller @MechaSilvio Imagine paying 15 bucks/month for a mysql instance

But not gonna lie, the API is stupid and I am tired of trying to automate things there

@graf @Benzmiller @MechaSilvio I see, right now I only use it for a small web server and the networking feature, but definitely I will change my host then. Probably only use digital ocean for 1/2 hour testing in a fresh VPS

@MechaSilvio If you want you can compille it but the docker image is just plug and play (and you need a reverse proxy)

@graf @MechaSilvio @Benzmiller Is there a reason to not use digital ocean?

@MechaSilvio @Benzmiller Rust bitwarden is gold

> see a map that looks like fantasy
> at last some people that talks about trpg
> noup, they were talking about hitler

@Nudhul @Moon @rizzo @shmibs It is like, "you have to be responsible for my happiness or else", it feel like beign a "cissexual heterosexual" is a bad thing

@Moon @shmibs @rizzo you can just say: "hi there, im super-straight. Also please block my instance"
