@waifu Cats are predators, I suggest a better pet like a bunny 

@basadeskaiser @waifu Im glad that the fediverse is friendlier than all the leftist normies sjw, proud to be here 

@waifu Those people are psychos and think because you can access poast from my instance everybody asociated with me are nazi and bad
@waifu Someone tried to cancel a friend by asociation cuz I admin a pleroma instance and they dont have a clue how the fediverse work 

Find yourself in the furry database https://db.fursuit.me/
WTF, for thing like this Im glad that I dont live in an english speaking country, sadly it is only a matter of time that this bullshit will arrive here 

@basadeskaiser Ok gringo 

@pleb Someone has to do the dirty job, will post the results + battery life in some months if it works
@pleb I want to coreboot my t420 and upgrade de cpu but I have not seen anyone trying the i7-extreme so thats why im in doubt.
I will try anyways and hope that underclocking + this heatsink mod will be enough to not melt my gentoo machine (and hope that boots too).
I will try anyways and hope that underclocking + this heatsink mod will be enough to not melt my gentoo machine (and hope that boots too).

Will a i7-3940XM work on a t420? Will it melt itself when I try to compile something? Should I buy one and try it anyway?
@waifu @Relected Digital ocean is expensive and not worth if you know what you are doing, I suggest using the free trial and then use other provider, ethernetservers.com offers small vps for cheap