Bunny Café

foldr | @foldr@bunny.cafe

Professional nerd

@cidoku @cafeenjoyer @elliemortem Please don't. I don't want you to turn into a pillar of salt

@neets I... I've been foldr for so long that I don't even remember. I think I was learning Haskell and foldr sounded cool

@cidoku @cafeenjoyer @elliemortem Do not forget about corporations, drama queens and Internet celebrities

@cidoku I hate to admit that

Been only here for an hour and I feel like talking to people and shit. Dude, Twitter suck so much

@mactonite Celtiberians were fucking chads. I'm going to blame it on the weather. That's the lack of vitamin D for ya.

@cidoku I was thinking about it since you rage quitted Twitter. Then you used the c-word and I had no other options apart from going to Chile and kick your ass

@cidoku Dunno man. I will try again in a few days

@cidoku "Error de subida: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" I'm getting this error. I'm too tired to figure it out. But I will get it eventually

@cidoku I'm looking into it. Let's see if I can manage

@cidoku ooh, I see. That's my issue

@cidoku How do I put a gif as my pfp? I can, right?

@cidoku Yep, will do!

@cidoku I know how the federation thingy works. Which pleroma is part of, right? I think I have a mastodon account collecting dust somewhere...

Finally here after @cidoku bullied me to do so
