Bunny Café

steen | @neets@bunny.cafe

Everlasting winner of the Superb Owl. Strong opinions on マジtubers, immersive sims and type systems.


I can’t do OOP when I want/need.

Yeah i hear you. I made a game in F# for a jam last week and it’s a horrible mess of mutable variables and arrays and dictionaries because that was much faster to iterate on.

And OCaml is a hard sell, it’s a very niche language and the library ecosystem is not very big so you’ll probably end up having to write some stuff on your own, and depending on the conditions of the job it’s gonna be hard to find somebody else to maintain all that code. I just make do with typescript at my day job, honestly it’s not too bad. Sometimes I even get to write fun monstrosities like type-level parsers for url paths.

Curiously enough the mobile layout is pretty good.

@cafeenjoyer it's ok when you get used to some of its quirks

@foldr I think FP and OO can complement each other very well, for example both OCaml and F# have objects for when it makes sense to use them

This mastofe tweetdeck clone thing is really confusing and it gets way too many things wrong to be usable. Maybe I'll search for something else another day.

@cidoku I ain't reading no book but I do know that people are horny as fuck

@foldr RPLACD replaces the cdr of a mutable cons cell with another value, the corresponding function for the car is called RPLACA
I still prefer functional programming tbh, I write code in mostly functional style for my day job and when I have to write something on my own I'll do it in OCaml or F#.

@cidoku just the usual network effects shit

@foldr that's fair. I think I might've used rplacd (from common lisp) as username on some site even though I've barely written any common lisp

None of the artists I follow on pixiv seem to be using Pawoo, and those who did abandoned it. Sad!

@foldr why fold to the right and not to the left tho

@elliemortem ah yes I remember this meme

@waifu thank you! I'll have to remember how to socialize with people but I guess I'll manage

@elliemortem close enough

@elliemortem thank you! I guess you're the big boss here?

@waifu hey!

@cafeenjoyer it do indeed be da steen

I'd rather run my own instance and all that shit but that's hard and life is short and art is long and rome wasn't built in a day and so on.

Hello people of this instance! I'm steen.
I've been thinking for a long time about switching over from twitter and I guess this is as good a time as any to start.
