Bunny Café

It's been years and this is still the strongest piece of propaganda the Chinese have ever made.

@Shadowman311 where is this from?

@CosmaruCiorilor @Shadowman311 Seems to just be a piece of art by this guy


@Shadowman311 @Shadowman311 The fact that Russia and China don't capitalize on the anti-white hate in America shows either how truly retarded they are or (((who))) really runs the show, especially in terms of Russia.

@J_2021 @Shadowman311 Why tangentially support the only people who can prop up and potentially rebuild your geopolitical rival?

@J_2021 @Shadowman311 China and Russia don't give a single solitary fuck about us. At best we are just another group of extremists that need to be "dealt with" after we have outlived our usefulness to them.

@Amalek_Respector @J_2021 @Shadowman311 They do capitalize on anti-white hatred, by promoting it!

@niggerman1488 @J_2021 @Shadowman311 The same artist made this btw, these people are opportunistic faggots driven by greed and clout-thirst:

@Amalek_Respector @niggerman1488 @J_2021 @Shadowman311 If your enemy has a weakness tearing it apart, may as well throw oil on the fire

@TurboNormie @J_2021 @Shadowman311 This. If secular jews were being oppressed by orthodox jews I wouldn’t do shit except maybe spread propaganda to make the rival jewish empire look like shit. The Chinese view it in the same way. They don’t really give a shit, America is a rival.

@J_2021 @Shadowman311 they do some jabs, like last Christmas message from Russian embassy. Now if I were them I'd do the same they're doing: nothing. Let the slow burn happen while you loot whatever you can from the declining empire. We should be looting too

@TurboNormie @J_2021 @Shadowman311 The Russians are in too precarious of a position to do anything of the sort but it would be the smarter long term plan for them.

That said, the Chinese are the only ppl on the planet who regard 1980s russian industrial equipment with a deep reverence and respect.

@Shadowman311 I just had a thought of how cool it would be that I just bang a chick in the background of this image while everything is happening.

All because I thought of this for a split second.

@Shadowman311 Speaking of Chinese propaganda, did we ever get an english subbed version of The Battle at Lake Changjin?

@Shadowman311 they're not wrong

@J_2021 @Shadowman311 China especially doesn't care becouse despite their outward pretense of being a rival to the pig-american system, they have extensively and happily, benefited from and collaborated with ZOGs anti-white policies.

@BullSchmitt @J_2021 @Shadowman311 It just goes to show that ideology is 70% worthless, politics is mostly about geopolitical interests.

@grey @Jens_Rasmussen @Shadowman311 Just what i was looking for

@Arkana @CosmaruCiorilor @Shadowman311 His other works aren't so hot. Not really that far from a libtard. At least judging by the lineup of his works on wikipedia.
Though this one reminds me of a boss from In the Hunt:
One of the spookier childhood game bosses. Beautiful game. Not surprising that these guys went on to make Metal Slug later.