Bunny Café

What an incredible cockup. How far up their own assholes have these guys crawled?

We could solve extinction if we categorised animals the way we do humans.

Liberals would have a meltdown if we classified humans the way we do extinct hominids.

Smaller differences in skull shape are enough to be declared separate species

MFW a shithead tells me that we're all the same and everyone has the same ability and it's just racism and privilege holding the POC down but then immediately starts salivating over what fucking BEASTS the African sportsmen are and how they're just BUILT DIFFERENT and whitey just CAN'T COMPETE.

Liberals start from assumption of equality. Therefore anything that may challenge it must be due to some past wrong like a spirit cursing them and they need to exorcise the spirit to restore equality.

That is why they are so fixated on the slave trade and civil rights like they occurred yesterday.

@aether @HitterNeverQuitter
If these Leftards would just admit that Race is real and a Biological category below Sub-Species, that you DON'T need to be racist to see differences between Humans, and stop being Marx worshipping faggots. We would actually progress WAY more into Bio-research and make Humans Genetically better than ever before, but noooooooo, they can't have it that way because it goes against the N A R A T I V E.


counterpoint: no

also, nigger

@Hyperborean444 @Aether @HitterNeverQuitter Also worth noting that whites and blacks have more genetic distance than humans and neanderthals. For the sake of "equality" they can never admit things like this

What is this from?

@SethApex @Hyperborean444 @HitterNeverQuitter @Aether No idea it says "Racial Faction" though

I just find it really hard to believe that any measure of genetic distance would be larger between the races, who physically can interbreed, than between chimps and bonobos, who cannot.