Bunny Café

Horrors beyond comprehension

What kind of Frankenstein shit is this

This is the modern interpretation of kindness. He almost made it out of this hellscape but they just couldn't have that.

@nameredacted @RoyalJohnny242 A couple of years ago I'd have thought "Well, ya know maybe in a decade or two prosthetics tech will come along far enough that he'd be able to recover some of his old life."
Now I'm like "Lol, good luck with that. We're too busy trying to figure out how to sew hot dogs onto people and keep them from rotting off. Also by then antibiotics won't work, so at least it won't be a long death."

@nameredacted @RoyalJohnny242 So much of the modern world is build around "avoiding suffering" and in the end that results in so much more suffering.
Take bullying for example. People think they're being compassionate by stopping a bully picking on a kid. But there's usually some problem there. Usually either the bully is overly aggressive, or the kid being bullied is too passive. Stopping the bullying does not solve these problems, it merely causes them to affect more people once they become adults with unresolved social issues.

In the same way that they want to "avoid suffering" by prolonging the life of elderly, unhealthy, or otherwise dysgenic individuals. To avoid grieving and death, but that causes so much more damage both to the individual and society.

It's the selfish sort of "kindness" that means they never wanting to give things up and let them pass naturally.

Yeah just another example of how shitty our modern society really is, they claim things are the best they've ever been but no one really feels like it is or believes it.