Bunny Café

Do we have music makers in the fediverse

@hideki @Eidon @Eidon didn't you also make music

@waifu coyote

@waifu yes but I am bad at it

@BigTony can i listen though? (・∀・)

@waifu pos si

@cristian donde (・∀・)

@unusuarioramdom @chemahdz no veo links ( ;∀;)

@waifu Vriska hace musica no? Cidoku mi ex co-admin que me dejo hace musica. Dejo su bandcamp https://cidoku.bandcamp.com/

@waifu I know about wrest, yukari and coyote

@waifu oh, and cidoku😭(RIP)

@sneeden que le pasó (´;ω;`)

@elliemortem esto está bueno que le pasó al wey

@waifu Se aburrio del fediverso y su gente. La verdad el esperaba que fuese algo como el internet antiguo, pero en realidad es puro refugiado de twitter/tumblr y drama.

Como dato curioso, yo no tenia idea que era el fediverso y como estaba aprendiendo a ser sys admin el me lo presento. Nunca fui muy fan de twitter o similares (por eso posteo poco) y monte mi instancia 50% porque el me lo pidio y 50% por mera curiosidad.

Literal cuando se fue no tuve mucha motivación para mantener la instancia (de hecho se me bugueo feo, pero como no la mantenia ni me fije), pero decidí quedarme ya que creo en el internet libre y federado, y hay gente cool en el fediverso. jamona-love

@waifu one day he simply left

@waifu I still need to setup a SoundCloud or bandcamp but I got a few things on YouTube

@BigTony this is cool i dig

@elliemortem Mira vos, sabes que yo siento que mí fediverso es bien raro, porque nunca me ha sentado mal, si tengo problemas es porque me hago adicto. Pero creo que es un mix porque puedes encontrar gente interesante, o entrar en los chistes internos pero no es necesariamente común como dices vos •́ ‿ ,•̀.

@lilmsmillennium can i listen 👂

@waifu @chemahdz creo sabe mas , el nombre ni me acuerdo bien 😅

@hideki @waifu @Eidon@weeaboo.space Yeah! If you want to have a taste of it, have a look at https://eidon.bandcamp.com ^_^
Are you also writing music, Waifu?

@Eidon @hideki @Eidon I will check it out ( ╹▽╹ ), I do not make music but i like to make videos sometimes with my drawings and am always in the search of music to use for them. I just asked for musicians because i didn't want for anyone to get their hopes up or think i will do something or another i tend to drop these things a lot ( ;∀;)

@sneeden seems like he's still active, he posted an article not long ago https://cidoku.net/blog/excess_nostalgia.html

@waifu @hideki @Eidon@weeaboo.space
Oh wow! I'd simply love it if you would create a video for one (or more) of my pieces. I hope you'll find some of them interesting!

@waifu Thank you

@waifu @hideki @Eidon@weeaboo.space
Have you watched the old anime called "Armitage III"? I did recently, and wrote some music inspired by the anime's main character. I did an experiment with it: I dubbed my piece onto the opening scenes of the anime ^_^ Here it is, just to give you an idea of my work!

@Eidon @hideki @Eidon I had just listened to that song before you sent the video, it’s indeed similar to something i’ve had in mind for a while, i haven’t seen the anime but it seems fun, it’s also quite nice music i dig 710932224899547210

@lilmsmillennium short but i dig ngl 8bitmeron

@waifu Solo puedo decir

@waifu @hideki @Eidon@weeaboo.space
Great! And I like very much your art and your video 🎇 👍 🦆 🎆 !
Re: Armitage III: Yes, I'd really recommend it... great, lost gem ^_^