Bunny Café

Desktop ricing thread! Post your screenshots, DE, themes, fonts, whatever! comfygeek

GO GO GO! akko_yay

Here's mine.

KDE Plasma 5.
Latte Dock.
Plasma theme: Moe
Plasma icons: PlagueSur
Plasma font: Victor Mono Semibold
Emacs theme: almost-mono-white
Emacs font: mononoki
Wallpaper: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=1153836

@newt This is where I post from

@Velite is this an old thinkpad? comfyeyes

@newt Yes, an x220 in fact

@Velite I thought so! The CPU and resolution gave you away.

@newt I'm surprised you knew because of that and not the host name lol

@Velite oh wait.. didn't notice the hostname comfyjoy

I figured that it's a very old laptop, chances are it's a thinkpad. And from the resolution, it must be x220 or x230 at least, because x201i had a 1280x800 screen (i used to have it).

@newt 1366x768 is to my knowledge exclusive to the x220. I've had it for a little over half a year now and it hasn't let me down, I do however wish I was wise enough to install coreboot on it, that stuff just scares me.

@Velite @newt thinkpad gang

@MischievousTomato @newt Forgive me for my retardation, but I have been using Manjaro because I knew little about Linux at the time and got it as my first distro for the installer. I tried to install debian later but I ran into a strange, presumably hardware related issue, that did not allow me to connect the internet, and thus prevented me from downloading a DE.

In the future I might try Garuda Linux, since the guide did recommend it, and the other one credits someone with "reddit" in their username.

@Velite @newt lol
i havent ever used garooda.
if you want rolling release, use Opensuse Tumbleweed (bonus: SUSE makes funny music parody videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWMQMPP8p3A)
I myself distrohopped a lot recently and landed on Fedora again, comfy home. (silverblue tho)

@MischievousTomato @newt Fedora looks nice but, since Garuda still has AUR, it's going to be what I try first.

Anyways I'm going to watch an episode of Senko-san and go to bed. Good night.