Bunny Café

Out of the big 5, which one is the least sucky

@itzzenxx obvious

@itzzenxx like this is very conflicting even though it's obvious

@straw @itzzenxx What do you mean its obvious?

If we agree on obvious, we are the only 2 that voted for it

@lunarised @itzzenxx this is sad. you did vote for Google right?

@straw @itzzenxx Nope

In my mind, Microshit is by far the best of the lot.
> Amazon does almost slave labour
> Apple does slave labour
> Zucc

and google trains AI that suspiciously appears to be geared for military purposed

@lunarised @itzzenxx
I rest my case

@straw @itzzenxx @lunarised Windows good am proud windows user

@waifu @itzzenxx @lunarised Hilarious. What is your address?

@straw @itzzenxx @lunarised Carlos Pellegrini 435 👁️

@lunarised @straw

- Microsoft Windows
- Amazon has that issue
- Fecebook zuccs my dick
- Google bad
Ok yeah Google bad but like
current android logo current chromium logo pixel 6a

@itzzenxx @lunarised Google is responsible for a lot of the evils of the modern web but at least I can use some of their things (Chromium, Android, Pixels). Microsoft has nothing that I'd want to use.

@straw @lunarised GrapheneOS on Pixels
Chromium by itself is wonderful
Pixels are amazing phones

@itzzenxx @lunarised or that I'd allow on my system

@itzzenxx @lunarised
utter garbage; spyware
utter garbage; spyware
utter garbage; spyware
utter garbage; spyware
>Office 365
utter garbage; spyware
turned into utter garbage; spyware
turned into utter garbage; completely ruined
utter garbage

@straw @itzzenxx

Edge - Chrome with a skin
Windows - Good OS, terrible data collection.
Outlook - Works well for me.
Bing - Correct
Office - Still the best suite imo
Skype - Correct
Minecraft - I still love the game
XBOX - My Preferred console. Best bang for buck

@lunarised @itzzenxx @straw
>XBOX - My Preferred console. Best bang for buck
i didnt know you were gay

@xue @itzzenxx @straw

based but sorry, not gay

I do mostly linux game, but gamepass is pretty good for entertaining the fam

@lunarised I was on fedora for a while and really loved it, and while most of my games worked fine, I really got tired of fucking around trying to fix the ones that didn't. That and gamepass are why I went back to windows tbh

@Vril_Oreilly Gamepass is pretty good value i think. I just don't like sub services, so the pull isnt tooo much

@lunarised they're still letting you subscribe for a 1$, cancel and resubscribe for 1$. Can't beat that tbh

@Vril_Oreilly :O I didnt know that!

@lunarised yesss i am the cheapest man on the fediverse comfysmug

@Vril_Oreilly false. @roryaroth exists.

He racially abuses asians at our local fish and chip shop so he can get out of paying


@waifu Time to go to Mateland 🧉

@lunarised @itzzenxx @straw Like amazon since make americans suffer jamona-love