So I finished grading some tests, 2 students write to me asking to review their test again, hold and behold they cheated. The funny part is that I didn't catch one the first time, but since she ask to review it again... kek
@graf Next level gameplay
@SplitShockVirus That one is specifically for pleroma, it comes with the database and with a script to execute pleroma commands in the container, so its pretty much "docker-compose up -d" and done (you need an external/internal webserver thou). The only problems I see with that config are:
1 Use the flag link, that will be deprecated
2 It need to reference more volumes for persistent data, for example the terms of service will get reset every time so I needed to add a volume for that.
1 Use the flag link, that will be deprecated
2 It need to reference more volumes for persistent data, for example the terms of service will get reset every time so I needed to add a volume for that.
More instances will strengthen the fediverse as a whole. If you want an instance only for you the only benefit will be in privacy. For making one, you can check or use a docker image, my instance is using this one
@cafeenjoyer @cidoku Accept your mistakes
I just woke up and cid tells me that he opened registration, I haven't even hardened the instance and other administration stuff. Hell we even have the default pleroma background/logo. But again welcome and enjoy the fediverse!
@neets If with big boss you mean the fat sysadmin yeah
@neets Cant believe people actually joined, welcome to this instance
Hello people of this instance! I'm steen.
I've been thinking for a long time about switching over from twitter and I guess this is as good a time as any to start.
I've been thinking for a long time about switching over from twitter and I guess this is as good a time as any to start.
@elliemortem I prefer not to talk like that, but I may be dropping some red pills when I feel like it

@rdr Good, wish you best luck in your OS traveling