@captain_arepa @waifu Pero si es lo más sencillo de la vida llevar un reverse proxy, ponle caddy a tu sistema y apunta al puerto que necesites, literal tengo un monton de basura en dockers con sus bases de datos y no hacen drama, lo unico que si me hincho las pelotas fue searx pero se logro al final
Aparently to Gmail is not enough having spf, dkim, dmarc and rdns to not be marked as spam, you also need a deprecated SPF record, what a joke
@mametsuko There is nothing more hot that compile your kernel at 3 am
@histoire I think you didn't compile your system with gcc +graphite +lto +pgo -03, maybe that's why you were not productive. I suggest you to recompile your whole system, emerge -e --keep-going @world in case you forgot how to

I like (not really fuck gmail) how google thinks than an open source format (.ubz/openboard) is dangerous and shouldn't be send in a email. Also they have a list of dangerous formats but dangerous things like pdfs are not there
@waifu Buenos días waifu * lo nalguea * 

@basadeskaiser ya pero vai a comprar el super 8 a 300 2 por 500
Pais qlio me tiene chato, los zurdos son imbeciles, los momios son imbeciles y los monos qlios no hacen ni una wea bien
@MischievousTomato @captain_arepa @SONICMAN69 @basadeskaiser @ruina @waifu Ya me echaron de la casa asi que pito