Bunny Café

Ellizabeth Mortem | @elliemortem@bunny.cafe

Just an internet bunny wanderer that just opened a cafe.

Not gonna lie, zorin os lite with xfce looks really nice

@captain_arepa @waifu Pero si es lo más sencillo de la vida llevar un reverse proxy, ponle caddy a tu sistema y apunta al puerto que necesites, literal tengo un monton de basura en dockers con sus bases de datos y no hacen drama, lo unico que si me hincho las pelotas fue searx pero se logro al final


After more than half a year using gentoo as my daily driver I can only say fuck you nvidia

Aparently to Gmail is not enough having spf, dkim, dmarc and rdns to not be marked as spam, you also need a deprecated SPF record, what a joke

@vriska @mia Well if you use a shitty program as an alternative everything will be better on windows. Try using ardour + jack + audio interface (optional) to make music bunhdthink

@mametsuko There is nothing more hot that compile your kernel at 3 am

@histoire I think you didn't compile your system with gcc +graphite +lto +pgo -03, maybe that's why you were not productive. I suggest you to recompile your whole system, emerge -e --keep-going @world in case you forgot how to

I like (not really fuck gmail) how google thinks than an open source format (.ubz/openboard) is dangerous and shouldn't be send in a email. Also they have a list of dangerous formats but dangerous things like pdfs are not there

We as a society have become smarter

@waifu Buenos días waifu * lo nalguea * abunhdowohop

@cidoku @sneeden Gracias Pinochet abunhdhappy

@basadeskaiser ya pero vai a comprar el super 8 a 300 2 por 500

Pais qlio me tiene chato, los zurdos son imbeciles, los momios son imbeciles y los monos qlios no hacen ni una wea bien

Si estuviera mi general nada de esto estaria pasando

Los chilenos no saben hablar, confirmado seigashrug

re: linux help
@waifu @graf Thats why I like docker, to make a backup you only need to compress the docker volumes, no big brain needed
