re: Pleroma Docker
@captain_arepa @waifu lo construye desde el codigo oficial, en .env puedes definir la version que deseas y de donde quieres clonar el repositorio para la construcción
re: Pleroma Docker
@captain_arepa @waifu ahora que deje satisfechos a los angloputos, si tienes dudas en como usar docker o que mierda puse me dices
Pleroma Docker
@captain_arepa @waifu I just remember that last weekend I was suppossed to give you guys my pleroma docker config. Right now im using, with no extra config other than extra volumes that are html files that I need to have persistence over a reset.
Other than that I use caddy as my web server because is simple and reliable, my config is literally " { reverse_proxy :4000}" and that's because port 4000 of my machine is binded to port 4000 of the container, I also have a dockerized matrix server (that I don't use kek) on the same machine/adress.
I usually run the containers in /opt/ with volumes mounted there, so for backups I only tar them. I already moved my server to differents machines using that method so no problem there.
So if you want to migrate to a dockerized enviroment I would recommend to first read pleroma backup documentation, backup your database and mounting the volume in the database container, there is a way to enter a bash shell inside a running container so after that you will have to follow pleroma's documentation.
If you have doubts don't mind asking.
Other than that I use caddy as my web server because is simple and reliable, my config is literally " { reverse_proxy :4000}" and that's because port 4000 of my machine is binded to port 4000 of the container, I also have a dockerized matrix server (that I don't use kek) on the same machine/adress.
I usually run the containers in /opt/ with volumes mounted there, so for backups I only tar them. I already moved my server to differents machines using that method so no problem there.
So if you want to migrate to a dockerized enviroment I would recommend to first read pleroma backup documentation, backup your database and mounting the volume in the database container, there is a way to enter a bash shell inside a running container so after that you will have to follow pleroma's documentation.
If you have doubts don't mind asking.
@cell a Thinkpad is missing
@waifu Buying domains is like buying trading card games, once you start you can't stop. I have like 7 domains and I dont have a use for like 3 of them, and if I dont find it I wont renew them this year
@captain_arepa @waifu No deberias tener mayor drama, revisa como hacer backups de los datos de pleroma y el mismo docker te deja ejecutar comandos en el contendor para subir la base de datos, si quieres ya para el sabado/domingo puedo subir mis configuraciones a algun git para que las revises
@captain_arepa @waifu Pero si es lo más sencillo de la vida llevar un reverse proxy, ponle caddy a tu sistema y apunta al puerto que necesites, literal tengo un monton de basura en dockers con sus bases de datos y no hacen drama, lo unico que si me hincho las pelotas fue searx pero se logro al final
Aparently to Gmail is not enough having spf, dkim, dmarc and rdns to not be marked as spam, you also need a deprecated SPF record, what a joke
@mametsuko There is nothing more hot that compile your kernel at 3 am
@histoire I think you didn't compile your system with gcc +graphite +lto +pgo -03, maybe that's why you were not productive. I suggest you to recompile your whole system, emerge -e --keep-going @world in case you forgot how to

I like (not really fuck gmail) how google thinks than an open source format (.ubz/openboard) is dangerous and shouldn't be send in a email. Also they have a list of dangerous formats but dangerous things like pdfs are not there
@waifu Buenos días waifu * lo nalguea *